I think I know what you mean with the rudeness, Tore. But I don't think I mean those things as rude as they are picked up by some readers. I honestly never felt like seriously insulting someone. There's no one (except for some banned members that never got to 20 postings or so) that I dislike.
I do get carried away often and I do respond to postings without looking at which topic I'm in. I have that problem on every forum by the way. I'm a bit too impulsive when it comes to replying now and then. Working on that.
It is true that I may come over like a know-all now and then, but it's like Tore says: Only when I know what I'm on about. And in those cases I indeed do have a tendency to be very targeted. But then I am sure I'm right obviously

Thanks for your kind words, tore. On to 1000
