There are a few bad things about S_k, I think. He's definetly a bit of a brag, he's sometimes rude in that kind of innocent way with a little wink-smiley at the end which means he'll get away with it and he often treat the threads as if they were chat rooms.
However, the good easily outweighs the bad, I think. He's honest, friendly and also very knowledgeable (an asset on the broad subject of gear and equipment for sure) and, if the topic moves onto something he doesn't know much about, he acknowledges that and treats such subjects with a kind of humility (I mean that in a positive way!). So much of the internet is people talking or writing about stuff they don't know much about, so his honesty is refreshing. Also, he has very good/trained ears.
Glad to see you've stuck around, S_k