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Old 02-17-2011, 03:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Question How do you get a good manager?

Hey guys. I'm a singer songwriter, I'm 20, and really getting discouraged. It's just impossible to make it in the game by yourself, I have no resources, and really think that somebody with some pull on my side could help me.

I've given up on being "discovered" at some random gig and riding off into the sunset. I need to be smarter, but I really just don't know the first thing about getting a manager or agent. I live in Miami. Does anybody know a good first or second step to take to get representation? I don't have any money up front and don't want to get gipped. Is there some sort of listing of certified people?

Thank you so much. I hope you guys can help me take a good step for my music.
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