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Old 02-16-2011, 08:38 PM   #891 (permalink)
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After reading and participating in this thread, i've ended up not feeling bad for animals, meat eatesr, or veggieheads... just MuzicForums lol.

If not eating meat works for some people, then great. The idea of not wanting to kill animals for food is stupid in my opinion though, animals kill other animals for food constantly. Some would say it doesn't mean we should, but like I've said before, we are on top of the food chain and I think it's best to use that to our advantage. Supplements and whatever are good but I think the best sources of proteins come in the form of lean meats. Hell, I went on a diet of all meat for awhile and my body looked and felt amazing and I'm gonna do it again this summer. It's called the Ketosis diet, and it's pretty awesome.
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