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Old 02-14-2011, 09:57 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thom Yorke View Post
Not gonna lie, small talk in general pisses me off. Not trying to sound all anti-social because it's basically the key to meeting new people/building friendships, but essentially it's just having a conversation where you can predict everyone's answers, thus making it useless.

"What's up?"
"Ah, not much, you?"
"Yeah same."
"Cool. Pretty awesome weather we've been having lately eh?"
"YES! I was just thinking that! Way better than last week, that's for sure."
"Oh yeah, last week was brutal. Pretty much just rained the whole time, right?"
"Yep... well... I should probably get going, I've got alot of studying to do with midterms coming up."
"Oh yeah me too. It's that time of the year again!" [Fake laughter]
[Fake laughter] "Yes it is!"
"Anyways, see ya later!"
"Alright, bye!"
[Grins on both people's faces disappear the moment they turn away]

Exactly this. Same at bars like over Thanksgiving break from college. It's just a big high school reunion. And there's people I'm genuinely happy to see and talk to, but then there's also people who I knew but grew apart from and don't really wanna reunite with. I saw this girl in a hometown bar who was great friends with me awhile and I dated her cousin a couple years. But towards the end of high school we didn't get along great and we haven't talked the past few years, so i purposely walked by her without saying hi. Well she stopped me and was like over-dramatically happy and asked how i was doing and stuff. And we had the exact type of small talk Thom posted. Then there's always the "Ok well get ahold me me sometime!" .."Yeah sure! You too!!!" And we both knew we'd probably never speak again. It's just part of putting in face time I guess. Whatever, it's annoying.
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