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Old 02-14-2011, 09:47 PM   #844 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Maccabbe View Post
Up until now I have made less then 10 to 15 posts about religion in this site.
I have not called anyone any bad name, or used any dirty language, or insulted anyone on a personal manner, please check out all my comments on this thread, and see if I speak the truth or not.

What in the world are you talking about?

In your site, you have sat on the sidelines while people were mobbing around me and calling me Kike and other Anti Semitic diatribes, and you have done nothing to stop them, nothing.

Yet you got the nerve to blame me for everything?

Do you got no shame?

You didn’t have one outspoken religious and creationist person in your website, and when I came, you let the mob shred me to pieces. Even one true creationist was too much for you to bare.

So much for fairness and equal opportunity to all…

As to the discussion , you said :"Religion has nothing to do with anything you talk about. It's PEOPLE who make these decisions".

You don’t mean to suggest that religion supports the awful and devastating way of life of porn and drugs and all these negative things, or to suggest that religion is the cause of all of these things?

What set the ground for all these horrible things to come to reality?

The casting down the Yoke of Heaven to the ground, nothing else.

If people followed the will of God as God wanted, all of these horrible things wouldn’t come to reality.

When a person believes that there is no reward or punishment and that he comes from the apes, why should he care if he becomes a porn star or not? or become a thief or not, or a murderer or not?

Secular Humanism?

We all know what subjective humanism can do, it can support those who they seem are worthy and neglect those who they don’t care for.

Morality needs to be heavenly sanctioned, for objectivity to take place.

If you are going to re-tell something that happened, please be honest about it. A number of people were banned from the thread, BY ME, including YOU, because you complained that they insulted what you believed in yet YOU DID THE SAME TO THEM. The proof of my stance on religion is in my posts. I openly admit to being atheist but I have stood up for religious beliefs because I have been surrounded by religious people my entire life so I have some education on why people believe certain things. Infact, as we speak, I am DEFENDING the argument that because God has power and 'knows all', why doesn't he jump in and stop things from happening, so don't tell lies. I do NOT tolerate people being douchebags. If people were being morons in the thread and were not told about it, excuse me for having a life and not being online 24/7 to babysit everyone. The staff has told people many times to use the report button. We try to sift through as much as we can but if you don't help us by reporting it, it is very easy to miss, especially in a fast moving thread about religion. I figured a 34 year old man would be able to refrain from insulting 16 and 17 year olds.

Enough with the MF garbage, we are here at MB. If you want to complain about the ban you earned yourself, feel free to PM me to discuss it. Otherwise, you did it to yourself, move on. You were not the only person punished, get over it.

Again, a person's religion has nothing to do with the things you are talking about. If you seriously think a religious person does not participate in the things you are mentioning, you're just being ignorant.
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