Originally Posted by Maccabbe
By your logic, we should legalize murder and theft because after all there were some weak religious people in history who also fell in these sins.
And I'm the ridiculous one?
I never claimed to suggest that Religious people are perfect, but at least we try to be on the good side and fix ourselves. God doesn’t demand perfection but excursion.
And all these things that I have mentioned , the deterioration of society as we know it, the sex parties in the colleges, and the drugs, and the evolution theories and all the other negative streams were the direct cause of people who rejected God, and went against his ways.
This is just a fact.
On a personal note, how's your site going on without me there after you have banned me, huh Pink?
You have done what you wanted, so what are you doing here tailing me?
Tailing you? I think you should look at my join date. I'm not tailing you. I am participating in a discussion in a forum I joined way before you. You got yourself banned because of the exact things you are doing in this thread. We are doing much better, thanks for asking, because we don't need to ask you 400 times to stop belittling people just because they don't believe what you believe, but I am not going to create any further MF/MB drama. I am here to discuss things in a mature manner, not start forum wars. Moving on....
Your arguments all make no sense. Religion has nothing to do with anything you talk about. It's PEOPLE who make these decisions. A christian can make the choice to murder. A christian can make the choice to surf the net for porn. A christian can choose to walk around half naked in the streets. A christian can have a gang bang. All of this has nothing to do with them being a christian, just like it has nothing to do with someone being atheist or catholic or ANY OTHER RELIGION.