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Old 02-13-2011, 06:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Default The Noisy, Spastic, Loud Music Thread

Recently I've been in a mode of tracking down music that can best be described with the words noisy, spastic and loud. Most of it is either some type of metal or at least metal-related which is why I'm putting this thread in this particular forum. Anyway I figured I'd share some of my findings and would welcome others doing so as well. So on to the first band...


You may have seen me mentioning these guys around MB here and there. I actually know very little about them except that they're from Italy and they play a kind of powerviolence/grindcore/sludge -ish type of music that's hard to classify but is really, really good. More than simply being metal or hardcore there's a definite avant-garde element here as well that throws some interesting curveballs and makes for a very entertaining listening experience. They were originally a standard drums/bass/guitar rock line-up but on their second full-length Il Secondo Tragico they added Zu saxophonist Luca T. Mai who has given even more depth to their music and brought them to a somewhat Zorn-like sonic territory.

Some samples:

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