Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin
Makes me chuckle now and again..Appears to have a good head on his shoulders in general. Seems to be one of those go with the flow types that stays at the same even pace. Never to happy and never to down. Other than being a 49'ers fan pretty cool guy.
lol I figured you would take a dig at the niners when I started reading this.
Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin
- So thats all I can think of at this time..either I havent been here long enough or just havent had the ambition to get to know anyone else to formulate an opinion. Im sure i will try an reupdate this later providing im not banned by then. Enjoyed my time here so far so...yeah whatever later
It sounds like you want to cause some trouble by saying "if you aren't banned by then", like you are about to get up to some mischief. Preemptive ban for this guy!