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Old 02-12-2011, 01:01 AM   #564 (permalink)
Justifiable Idiocracy
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,244

  • Freebase Dali
I always find his posts witty and unafraid of confrontation. Keeping his sense of humor about most things while maintaining an insightful comical perspective on whatever topic he chooses. Plus he's from Louisiana so you gotta kind of feel bad for him...the only team he has to root for home wise in the NFL is the jokes aside..I like his posts.
  • Janszoon
While I dont always agree with his views on things. He seems like a pretty intelligent guy. Borderline on being an @hole but thats cool. I can respect that cause it shows you could care less what people think. Different kind of humor but each their own.
  • Vanilla
The only female gender who's posts I catch a glimpse of from time to time. Im a bit of a sexist so I dont usually read to deep into the opposite sex posts. But the ones I have read are most the time funny and in this world a sense of humor is all that matters.
  • Tore
Always very detailed and intelligable in his posts. Seems very reserved and cool under pressure. Yet not someone you want to piss off cause ive seen him ban a guy who challenged his manhood. I like reading his posts whenever I want to learn something.
  • Conan
Fan of his posts and opinions on things. Has the ability to make me laugh and keeps a calm about things. Look forward to seeing his thoughts on matters and discussions. I did see a post in which he was worried about his fighting ability...I wouldnt worry to much cause he doesnt seem the type to ever spark that kind of dillema.
  • Dirty
Always finding a way to make me laugh in his posts. Never a dull moment with him and could care less of approval. Good qualities to have in life. Knows his stuff when it comes to sports and seems to be a good guy. I can relate to a lot of his tastes in things and like to hear his thoughts.
  • Djchameleon
Makes me chuckle now and again..Appears to have a good head on his shoulders in general. Seems to be one of those go with the flow types that stays at the same even pace. Never to happy and never to down. Other than being a 49'ers fan pretty cool guy.
  • S k
Man....good guy..woman issues maybe? A distinct longing for approval from women it seems. All around nice guy and interesting tastes in music. Other than his overabundance of smiley face use...jk...Good contributer to the site.


Havent seen him a whole lot but his posts are always well thought out...Yeah and his avatar is the best ive seen.

  • So thats all I can think of at this time..either I havent been here long enough or just havent had the ambition to get to know anyone else to formulate an opinion. Im sure i will try an reupdate this later providing im not banned by then. Enjoyed my time here so far so...yeah whatever later
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