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Old 02-10-2011, 12:03 AM   #8 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
Good write up on The King Is Dead. I was thinking about not actually checking this one out, because I figured they'd be discouraged by the reviews of their previous album and churn out some garbage in pursuit of their "glory days" in which music reviewers loved them.
I didn't consider Hazards to be a failure, but it was the least successful of their albums to me. I maintain appreciation for what they did on it, even if I didn't find it had the same substance or lasting power of their other albums.

Gavin: Finally heard Pixel Revolt, and it's probably his best. I'd need to spend more time with it to place it personally. I've been looking for Cellar Door for an eternity (Coming and Going on Easy Terms was my jam for a long time), but haven't been able to find it. If you'd be so kind as to hit me with it, I'd be very appreciative!

Originally Posted by Gavin B. View Post
From my perspective, The King Is Dead matches up to every other Decemberist album, on a song by song basis. Frankly speaking, I was getting weary of their fixation on the minstrel balladry of the British Isles folk tradition. The elegant simplicity of The King Is Dead may not please the Decemberists early fans but it lays the foundation for creative expansion by the band.

Again... thanks for your first rate journal. Keep up the great work.
I appreciate the change in both subject matter and style, I just wish the lyrics were as visual as they once were, and that a couple of songs would stray from the formula. Meloy's still a top rate song crafter though, and I'm not overall disappointed. Still very much excited to see this material live in March.

And thank you for your encouragement. It was a little awkward at first not knowing if anybody was interested.
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