What Music Means To Me (lyrics, soundtrack, singer, dancing) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 01-23-2006, 06:07 PM   #1 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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Default What Music Means To Me

OK so I posted my choice of songs for a soundtrack in Mell`s Soundtracks thread & I felt like doing some writing as it`s been a while since I wrote anything of note. And this seemed like a good idea.Anyway after 3 hours of writing decided that it deserved it`s own thread as it had become much bigger. So anyway , here`s why those songs I chose ARE the soundtrack to my life and what music means to me.....

Part 1

The Fall - Neighbourhood Of Infinity
This song is my favourite at the moment, so when I hear this songs in the future it`ll remind me of all the things i`m doing now.
This song reminds me of - Now

13th Floor Elevators - Slip Inside this House
When I want to be alone I usually go for a walk around the cliffs just before dusk & watch the sunset, just to get some peace & quiet & to think about things.Usually i`ll be listening to some music as well.One day I was doing this when this song came on & it just seemed to capture the moment.So I just looked out to sea , watched the sunset with this song playing , then carried on walking feeling relaxed & calm.
This song reminds me of - Sunsets

The Specials - Gangsters
When I was very young one day my Dad came home with a box of singles he had found that had not been claimed. He`d not heard of any of the bands in it & as i`d just recently been given my first record player he gave it to me to see if there was anything I liked. I opened it up & found loads of bands i`d never heard of , P.I.L. , The Specials , Siouxie & the Banshees , Bauhaus , X Ray Spex , The Sex Pistols , The Damned. Basically loads of punk , new wave & ska singles. Before that I only had a handful of singles , most of the stuff I listened to belonged to my parents. They wern`t the sort of people who bought albums so I was unfamilier with the big rock bands of the day. But what I did have was a vast array of pop singles from about 1962 to the present day , my mothers love of british pop such as The Beatles , The Kinks , The Stones & her love of 70s Glam rock , my dad with his early rock n roll singles , but no Elvis (Elvis was a banned word in out house as far as my Dad was concerned Buddy Holly was the true king of rock n roll.)This box of singles was the first music I remember listening to that my parents weren`t familier with ,so in that respect this was the beginning of my own taste in music.
This song reminds me of - Discovery

Oasis - Acquiesce
Rolling Stones - Stray Cat Blues

I`ve put these songs together for a reason.The Oasis song reminds me of 1996 , a very happy time in my life.I was going out with a great group of friends (sometimes as many as 20 or 30 of us would all meet up & go pubbing & clubbing)It reminds me of watching England in Euro 96 in a crowded pub full of football supporters , rather than watching them at home with my Dad.It reminds me of Pubs , Clubs , Alchohol , Girls , Sex , Hangovers , Drugs , Partys , Great Friends , Debauched Saturday Nights and stories that will stay with me forever.
The Rolling Stones song is the flipside of that.It reminds me of waking up after a night out & going for a walk on a Sunday morning to clear my head & remember the night before armed with only a personal stereo and my 2 hour Stones compilation to wake me up , clear my head & prepare me for the day ahead.
This song reminds me of - Saturday Nights / Sunday Mornings

Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps
A few years ago a my best friend got a couple of hundred thousand quid inheritence when his father died.He decided he was going to spend the money travelling around the world which he did.Every so often i`d get a stupid phone call from him at 3am with him drunk on some beach somewhere the other side of the world.He offered to pay for me to go with him but I refused , he was already paying for a bunch of people who had suddenly become his best friends & the thought of travelling around with this bunch of hangers on made me sick.After about 18 months he moved to Amsterdam & one Christmas Eve he phoned me & invited me & a couple of others to stay with him over his birthday, 2 days after new year I was there.He`d been there about 6 months & couldn`t beleive what his lifestyle had become.He was living in an apartment above a porn cinema which would have been really nice had it any heating at all.He was dating some prostitute who seemed hell bent on working her way through every penny he had.And then there were the drugs, you could not move for them.I tried to ignore all the bad stuff and try & help him enjoy it and most of the time he did, but you could see something was wrong.While staying there Massive Attack`s Mezzanine album was constantly on the stereo & reminds me of the time I spent in Amsterdam , the drugs , the parties , the girls dancing on tables spraying champagne , walking along the canals in sub zero temperatures eating chips in the snow , watching my best friend kicking a cashpoint machine when it swallowed his card due to all the coke he`d chopped out with it , having phones thrown at me during a fit of his drug fuelled paranoia when I tried to talk some sense into him, 24 inch pizzas and pretending to be asleep when the landlord came hammering on the door demanding 2 months rent.He ran out of money a few months later & all the hangers on vanished.I asked him over a drink if he regretted it , he said no. He said he thinks it a shame he pissed all his money away but he wouldn`t change the times he had for the world.
This song reminds me of - Amsterdam

Radiohead - A National Anthem
The first time I ever travelled to a gig in the UK by myself was in 1993 to see Guns n Roses.After that it was 10 years until I travelled there again just to see a band.Then I saw Radiohead were touring & tickets were on sale the very next day.I decided instantly that i`d missed out for too long & the following day snapped up a ticket.When I saw them I was waiting for them to play this song desperatly & when they did play it it sounded f*cking awesome.I made a decision there & then to make at least 2 trips to London a year to see bands.
This song reminds me of - London

Nick Drake - Northern Sky
I remember one birthday I had just after a really bad break up, sitting in bed around 10am , sunlight streaming through the curtains just feeling totally miserable and sorry for myself .Looking at the phone & knowing that I wouldn`t hear it ring once nobody was going to wish me a happy birthday & I was going to be spending this birthday alone.So I just went over to the stereo put this on & just lie in bed listening to it , not wanting to move not wanting to get up & do anything & just went back to sleep.This was probably me at my lowest in my life , but at least I had Nick to keep me company.
This song reminds me of - Loneliness

Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
I got into this around the time I left school & felt that I could relate to it so much.Leaving school was the biggest anti climax in my life , I just finished my last exam walked home & turned the TV on and that was it. No big goodbyes no big parties. Just 'OK you`re done here now f*ck off & get a job'. The whole song gave me a feeling of 'this is it you`re an adult now'and I was sh*tting myself not knowing what to do or how I would cope or how I would react.It was like suddenly I was in the real world & it scared the sh*t out of me.But I made it.
This song reminds me of - Becoming An Adult

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 01-23-2006, 06:07 PM   #2 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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Part 2

XTC- Senses Working Overtime
When I was really young I had a Sunday ritual.Have my tea , listen to the charts on the radio & then go to bed early ready for school in the morning.One week my Dad bought our first Hi-Fi rather than the sideboard sized old radio we did have.And he gave me a box of tapes & told me they were mine to fill up as I pleased.So from then on the charts were recorded on a Sunday night.Then I`d wake up really early during weekday mornings , Put the tape in & play it really quietly as not to wake anybody up sitting there with the speaker turned sideways with me resting my head against it.And I would listen to the charts all over again before I had to go to school.This song is always the one I remember from those days. I loved it so much I made sure I never recorded it & was still listening to it years later.
This song reminds me of - School

Public Enemy - Don`t Beleive The Hype
New York Dolls - Personality Crisis

When I was in my last year at school we were given a common room to hang out , complete with drumkit , arcade game & stereo.These two songs always remind me of the fights that used to break out over what was played, On one hand you had the rock kids , led by a stoner glam rocker called Jason who would guard the stereo and always got to it first (due to the fact he never went to any lessons)and he would always be in their first with his New York Dolls album.On the rare occasions that anything else made it onto the stereo it was usually the rap kids who got to it & the only 2 bands I can ever remember being played on that stereo were the New York Dolls & Public Enemy.
This song reminds me of - Musical Differences

Sonic Youth - Teenage Riot
This , as far as I can remember was my first taste of 'Indie'.I remember hearing it on some late night radio show sometime around 89/90 thinking to myself 'ooh this is good'.Of course at that time I hardly had any money and getting independantly released albums was virtually impossible on a small island but I persevered & eventually managed to get hold of a copy.So from that moment on whenever someone would ask me my favouite band i`d tell them & usually get a reply of 'who?' folled by a blank look.
This song reminds me of - Musical Snobbery

Blur - Popscene
Around the time this came out & was listening to a lot of metal & some indie , usually at the grungier end of the scale and mostly American.Then I heard this & it was like a breath of fresh air.At the time British music was awful , full of greebo bands, showgazer bands & dull oh so ironic indie bands that I hated like The Wonderstuff , Carter USM , Neds Atomic Dustbin , Kingmaker & The Wedding Present .Just those names make me shudder even now.This was fast , loud , heavy & exciting and sounded so fresh.It was music for jumping around the room and it was British pop !!!!!!!Just like i`d listened to as a small child.
It was like I had returned to my musical roots.
This song reminds me of - Jumping

The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
I saw the Cult supporting Guns n Roses at the first big gig i`d been to in the UK.The Cult were great.They made Guns n Roses look like a band who were tired , old , boring & up their own asses.I`ll never forget standing in a field with 60,000 people suddenly turn the place into a lunatic asylum when they came out onstage & opened with this song.A while after this I spent 6 weeks travelling around the east coast of the USA & Canada.I took a couple of tapes with me on the journey.This song was track one side one on tape one.This was always the first song I heard on my journey to the next new place to visit.
This song reminds me of - Travelling

UNKLE - Rabbit In Your Headlights
I met this girl once after a bad break up.She was over here visiting a friend and that friend had a party of which I was invited to.She came over to me and I didn`t think much of it & started talking to me.I had this odd sense that she could read my thoughts & she started telling me things about me that I didn`t think anybody would ever know about me.I spent the couple of days she had left here with her & then she went home back to the lake district where I lived.As time went on I began to feel worse & worse & found that phoning her & emailing her really helped me.A month or so before my birthday I was talking to her and she told me I needed to get away from everything & to come & stay with her for a couple of weeks.So I went up there & she`d talk to me make me feel better about myself.We`d go for walks , we go out for drinks, we`d have sex , we`d listen to music & just before I`d went up there i`d bought this album,so my memory of this song is laying on her sofa telling her my hopes , dreams , fears , insecurities & wishes for the future.And she`d listen to me tell me her own experiences (She almost died of cancer in her teens).When I got back I felt totally refreshed & eventually we lost touch.Then about a year later I got an email from her saying sorry she`d not seen much of me as she was trying to set up an art buisness in New York.I replied to her & wished her well for the future somehow knowing that I wouldn`t hear from her again & that was the last time I ever spoke to her.
This song reminds me of - Hope

Black Sabbath - Supernaut
When I was a kid my next door neighbour was this guy called Alan. Alan was this big fat hairy biker with a handlebar moustache & a huge perm , but he was one of the nicest guys i`ve ever met.I`d usually go around his place to spend time with his daughters but Alan was more fun to be around.He`d play me lots of music , usually metal from the 70s & let me play on his guitar & i`d talk to him and ask him stupid questions while he fixed his bike. I remember over my 10th birthday the school had arranged a half term trip to London , so my mother said I could go.We were only allowed 20 quid each for spending money that had to be given to a teacher , a fiver for each day there.As Alans daughters were also going both families piled into his van & he took us up to the airport.Just as I was about to board the plane Alan pulled me over to one side , shoved a 20 pound note in my hand , gave me a wink & said 'make sure you celebrate your birthday in style'.A few years later i`m sitting in the garden one summer listening to this song on my newly bought Black Sabbath compilation.Alan pops his head over the fence gave me a wink & said 'I see all that time you spent with me hasn`t been wasted' pointing to the stereo.A short time later him & his wife were divorced & he moved out. I saw him a few months back.The big perm is now shaved & he`s a little older and still has that moustache & I made sure I said hi to him.
This song reminds me of - Alan

David Bowie - Always Crashing The Same Car
The main love of my life was never really into music & she hated most of the bands I liked , occasionally she did but more often than not she hated it.At the time I was listening to a lot of Bowie , plus as she knew him & didn`t really mind him I was allowed to listen to him in her presence.This was always my favourite Bowie song & I listened to it a lot in that relationship,which is ironic really because the whole relationship turned into a car crash , oh well.
This song reminds me of - Love

Primal Scream - Loaded / Higher Than The Sun
Bobby Gillespie is my musical hero.I have always been able to relate to his love of music.He`s nowhere near the best singer in the world , he`s not that great a musician but his love and enthusiasm of music , of any genre shines through.There are just so many influences in Primal Screams music and thats what I love about it.Take all the best bits you`ve ever heard , turn it into something else and make it your own.And I think Primal Scream do that better than any other band. I have got into so many great bands just listening to Bobby talk about music and hearing what he puts out.Ignoring fashions & fads & here today gone tomorrow bands that struggle to make one good album. Just good music that stands the test of time & sounds timeless.Thats what I aim for when I listen to something.Forget what it`s labelled as , don`t care what others think , judge it on it`s own merits.And I hope thats what I do
These songs remind me of - My love of music

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:18 PM   #3 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
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The soundtrack to my life... (That’s Urban for taken this, everyone he improved on my good thread idea, come over here)

April Wine – Tonight is a wonderful night
From the time I can remember my father always played his records. I was the only one to like his music. He always played the good stuff to that I still enjoy today. Like Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. But April Wine’s – tonight is a wonderful night touched me. My father would play this song whenever he would play his records just for me. My family wasn’t loving by any means, but he new at that point that I would love music just as much or more then him. So he would put that song on and I would dance, jump simple cute little kid jumping around dancing. That song is mine and my father’s song. There’s more to this story but I won’t go on, gets way too long.

Sunny Day Real Estate – Shadows
This song alone make’s me think of everything. I go back in the past think about the future. It’s really the song that I listen to a lot lately.

Elton John - Tiny Dancer
This is the song that made me love old Rock N’ Roll music. I grew up listen to really great 50’s. 60’s, and 70’s great music, but it’s the late 60’s and most of the 70’s rock bands that got me loving music. And this song is one of the great songs that pulled me in. in my own time as a kid (and secretly now) when I’m alone and just need a break from the stress and just want to zone out into a wonderful place, I will play this song and as soon as it gets into the course I just fall apart and live in that song its great what this dong has and still does for me.

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb
This is also a song from when I was a child; this song brings back two memories. One from growing up in my house hold where my father was a drug dealer thus me growing up in a bad environment. And the second memories which was built on because of my past. I became heavy into drugs for a while, started off with weed then it wasn’t enough anyone I wanted something to really release me to get me inspired and to maybe get rid of the hurt. I wanted to rid of the pain because I grew up so bad. Comfortably numb is just a song that explains how I felt when I was 15 – 16.
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:18 PM   #4 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
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Led Zeppelin – All of My Love
That song I adored for many years, and still love it because of its amazing song writing. “Should I fall out of love, my fire in the light
To chase a feather in the wind
Within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight
There moves a thread that has no end.

For many hours and days that pass ever soon
the tides have caused the flame to dim
At last the arm is straight, the hand to the loom
Is this to end or just begin?”

That part makes me think of the past two years and my feelings for this guy I’ve liked. I think its amazing how a song about love can be written so great and sound so great. That song it always meant something to me because of the amazing writing. But not until this year when I was listening to it did It really make me think about how those lyrics mean something more to me now.

Modest Mouse – Float on
I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to think if things are ****ty now, if my whole love has been ****ty then God there must be something to look forward to in the future. So this song I play it so loud and just sing it and thinking all a while that everything will be ok. And I really love this song, because it’s very rare that a song comes along that makes me feel up lifted rather then stuck in the mellow depressing world of thoughts.

Bayside – Just enough to love you
This song just reminds me of every guy I’ve ever went out with. Of every guy that ever came close to breaking my heart. Of the first guy that broke my heart, my poppy when he died, to the last guy that will break my heart *hopeless*. But yea and it also makes me hope that the guy I’ve liked does he ever get stuck in the thoughts of me after everything… and well I over think everything J

Finch – What it is to burn
I don’t fall in-love easy, I’ve been in-love once and that was only the second I said it. I was with a guy for about 7 months before I said I love you, and when I said it I meant it, but after words it wasn’t true, I only meant it in the moment because everything was great and perfect. But then life came back and he was still ******* that treated me bad and I didn’t want to be with him but didn’t want to be without. And so falling in-love is maybe what’s going on with me now, but it’s very slowly I’m easing my way into it. It’s the fact that I can actually feel myself falling for someone and its great, but I’m not even with this person is the problem. And some might even say I am in-love with him that I just won’t admit it. They tell lies.

Bonjovi – Never say goodbye
I don’t know about anyone else, but I loved these guys growing up. My father got me into them. He tired to get me to like the old 80’s pop bands like the Go Gos and ni never liked them, then he tired to get me into Dr. Hook and I didn’t like him either. But then I seen this record lying down and it stood out to me. Slippery When Wet then I had to hear it, and my father played it for me, and I loved Bonjovi ever sense, and that band opened up the door to Guns N’ roses and many other great music that wasn’t from the 60’s and or 70’s. out of all the songs on the record at the time this is one of those songs that just hit me, (after the beginning you know where he goes “remember when we lost the keys and you lost more then that in my back set baby” ha-ha makes me laugh. But the whole losing friends and hoping things will stay the same but never do just made me think way to much at that age.

ABBA – Dancing Queen
OK! I admit to loving disco as a child. I loved the Bee gee’s and ABBA they were gods to me, just because my father loved music and I thought he had wonderful taste in music. Anyways I took a strong liking to that song, and well there whole greatest hits record, but this song annoyed me the least. Well to me that song is about being free and happy. And well I loved it.

Fleetwood Mac – Songbird
This song also makes me think of two things, and makes me do one thing very well. It makes me think of love (who would have thought) I wanted to care for someone and I wanted them to love me the way I always thought I should be loved. But its hared not growing up in a loving family, then getting older and becoming so needy. Nothing ever feels as right.
And it makes me wonder if I’ll ever be loved the way I want to be. Gosh the saddest “and I love you I love you I love you like never before” that part.. oh god makes me sad. But this song well to her voice I can sing so well to it.

All 4 One – I swear
This song oh God such a good memory. When I was 6 and 7 years old, maybe even 8 I had a friend from England she moved here when she was a kid because her father was a doctor, so I was the only one in this very white town to befriend her first, then me and her were attached by the hip till the day she moved away. Anyways when we hung out we loved to listen to that
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:19 PM   #5 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
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crappie dance music from the late 80’s early 90’s and also a few bands that were making one hit wonder’s when we were kids. And I swear was our song, we listened to that song all the time, and we even recorded our selves singing it on tape it was so cute. When she left to go back to England we swore we would always be friends. We lost contact a few years back and I haven’t stopped thinking about her, she was my best friend even back then when lives were great, but I know if she stayed we still be attached at the hip, at least that’s what I want to imagine it would be like.

Boston – More then A Feeling
OMG! This song is not that great. When I was just turned 15 I started to hang out with older people that were in there 20’s and well that’s when I got into drugs and what not. Anyways we all had this bad taste in 80’s one hit wonders, and for some reason this song that came out in the late 70’s always managed to get on our burnt cd’s and its so funny, me being drunk or stoned driving around with my friends trying to sing to this song. Just good memories of when I hung out with that group. It was a ****ty drama part of my life when it comes to outside of my family, but it was also the best time of my life so far.

Guns N’ Roses – Rocket Queen
After I got into Bonjovi I got into this band and well after hearing November rain and don’t cry this song was just there standing out.. it was rock n’ roll and then goes soft and amazing at the end, this whole song just caught my ears attention and I love it. The lyrics are amazing; I can’t get over how many great songs are out there. Well this song just made me love and respect this band, I honestly think if it wasn’t for this song I wouldn’t have liked that band. But this band I worshipped in the early 90’s yes that’s right I was rather young and loved them. But I had no love in my life, so what do you think music did for me.

John Lennon – Jealous Guy
My father number one, was a very jealous man over any guy that he sold drugs to. If they so much as looked at my mother he would freak out later wondering if she ****ed him. And two my latest ex boyfriend he was a ******* actually looking back just like my father, even down to the dealer part. (probably why I was with him, comfort parts he felt like home after what I grew up with) and three my father loved John Lennon as do I.

Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
Ok this song for some reason makes me think of the first guy I dated a month before I was 15, we would always go in his shed to make-out and for some reason every time we did on the radio dreamer would come on by Ozzy. So then after that ended I started to get more and more into Ozzy Osbourne, I never got into him as a kid because I never really like Black Sabbath although my father loved them. So my father never really played Ozzy Osbourne because he liked him better apart of Black Sabbath. So I think differently and loved Ozzy Sense I first heard Dreamer. And my favorite song by him is Crazy Train and Goodbye to Romance

Eric Clapton – My Father’s Eye’s
This song is just great, its not even one of my favorite’s of his, but I’ve always liked the lyrics, and how well he sang it and got into it at concerts I seen on TV, I always liked Creamas a kid, my father also loved them, but I never really got into Clapton until I heard this song and then went back and listened to his old solo stuff and loved him always ever sense, and also got really into The Yardbirds which then got me really into led Zeppelin a lot more then I already was, and started me on my road to having mad sex dreams of Robert Plant, and then meeting a guy in my town that if he grew out his hair would look just like Jimmy Page.. Yum yum!
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:19 PM   #6 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
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Van Morrison – Crazy Love
Interesting really, well to me anyways. That guy I was with and at 7 months told him I loved him, well that’s out song funny indeed, because we both loved the song old music. Aside from one thing he loved punk and was in a band (turns out most of my ex’s are, does this make me a groupie, even though I didn’t even know they were in bands till after the fact?) But he loved punk bands like NOFX and I never liked them. Anyways that was our song, the only good thing to come out of that relationship... oh yea that and me maturing a lot and learning that I was starting to go out with guys like my father and it was about time it stopped.

Cold – Another Pill
Well I personally think I wouldn’t be where I am today, nor as perfect as I am today (just kidding about being perfect that is) if it wasn’t for my ****ty life till now. So this song makes me feel strong, like I can get through all the ****tiness life brings my way and I will make it threw and come out standing strong, even if I fall along the way, I’m still here. And this song just makes me look at life differently.

And now what wasn’t on my list—

Led Zeppelin – Stairway to heaven
My first slow dance to a song! With a boy! Oh gosh he-he! I was 13 and it was out to our cadet cabin and it was with this guy named John he-he, I think he was my cuz, but we didn’t know it at the time. Either way he was such a cutie and so nice to me. This is around the time when I actually started to get interested in guys rather than playing baseball with my friends or truth or dare behind the play ground… naughty!

Outkast – So fresh so clean
I actually really loved this band after I got that album, and I still secretly kind of like them now. But yea I really liked almost every single song on that cd, aside from Toilet Tisha that song just annoyed me. So yea that was just after I got out of liking Ma$e and Puff Daddy, Sir Mix A lot, and Run DMC. See I did like rap… but ya after Stankonia I felt that I didn’t any long like that type of music, it just all started to really annoy me.

Cat Stevens – Wild World
This song because when I was 14 I moved out of my parent’s house without even telling them I was doing so, I was a adult and made my mind up and that’s that. And well I entered the real world and I really got a look at how good things could be even if there ****ty because to me nothing sucked as much as life did in the ghetto.

Goo Goo Dolls – every single hit on the radio
Out to my cabin is where we spent almost every summer, its out to Butt’s Pond about 30 minutes away from where I live, and it’s a beautiful place, my kitty is even buried out there (weird cause my kitty hated it out there) anyways and during the day we would always have the radio on and we would have on America’s Top 40 and Goo Goo Dolls were always on there every year with a song that would be played every single day a million times a day and that’s one band I actually liked and never got sick of.
Queen – Fat Bottomed Girls
Sir Mix A Lot – I like Big Butts
Ha-ha this is MY SONG’s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my ass is large but in a super good way.. It’s high, round and not very wide J its there and I love it. And guys love it! And that’s all I got to say about that

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody
Drunken times when my friends getting in a odd circle singing to this song... OMG Wayne’s World ..

Alright ending this now.. I should have made them all short and sweet and right to the point... sorry
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:41 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Killswitch Engage - Then End of Heartache
Last summer I went on a week long mission trip to an indian reservation and helped a family by painting their house. Always a memorable thing. This was right after I started listening to Killswitch. Immediately I was addicted to this song (for some reason) and even though we werent supposed to have any electronics....I took my cd player everywhere. This song just always reminds me of that week over last summer, a good memory.

Bob - NOFX
I have spent the last few major holidays (minus Christmas of course) with my friend down at his house in san felipe. We do all kinds of pyromaniac crap; gas bombs, m80's blowing up a microwave. that kind of stuff. hes got this old jeep that take the top and doors off of and all pile into and go for cruises up and down the beach. This song just seems like a good song (along with a lot of their songs) for the beach in mexico. Good times, good times.

I'll add more later.
How'd I end up here to begin with? I don't know.
Why do I start what I can't finish?
Oh please, don't barrage me with questions to all those ugly answers.
My ego's like my stomach- it keeps shitting what I feed it.
But maybe I don't want to finish anything anymore..
maybe I can wait in bed 'til she comes home. and whispers....

Originally Posted by Shooting Star
Remember kids: It's only real metal if the vocalist sounds like he's vomiting up a fetus. \m/
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Old 02-20-2006, 12:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Soundtrack of my life

Nirvana - Smell Like Teens Spirit
This song means alot for me. This song played in my very first huge party I went and it's was pretty damn cool. We were 7 guys in front of my friend appartment and girls told us to follow them. We followed them to a huge party.

Plain White T's - Stop
This song reminds me the last summer. When I was going to work I listened to my mp3 and this song was stuck in my head. I had to walk 20 minutes to go work so this song reminds me this period of time.

Thrice - Send Me An Angel
I discovered that song at the same time that I was quitting my parents house to go in appartment. It must be meaningless for you but going in appartment was a big step in my life that I was anticipating for a long time.

Scorpions - Wind of Change
It reminds me a party where I met a very nice girl which I fell in love with a couple of time later. I had pretty good time with her this party.

The Police - Walking on the Moon
There is a period of time in my life where I was going at Montreal almost everyweek with a friend to see shows and to go in some clubs. He was always making play this song over and over again. I was pissed of but this song reminds me theses times.

Nirvana - Plateau
First song even that I loved. Not liked... I mean loved. My father bought me for my birthday the MTV's Unplugged CD and when I heard this songfor the first time I totally fell in love with it. This song is why I love so much music right now.
Like a phoenix ignition, like a crematorium
Like a swelling volition, from the barrel of a gun
From the ashes and the embers, like a rocket I'll ascend
Like a cry gone up for a fallen friend
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Old 02-20-2006, 12:37 PM   #9 (permalink)
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wow where did this thread disappear to? i too am in a writing mood, seeing as how i no longer have myspizzle

afi-the last kiss: im totally gonna get flamed for this, but i can relate to that song. littlebit. i listen to it a lot when im feeling blue.

armor for sleep-car underwater: another song i relate to alot whenever im in fights with my friends, which seems to happen a lot. pretty much explains the way im feeling exactly.

brand new-soco amaretto lime: this song kind of reminds me the happier times with my friends, even though its a love song...i think. just cheers me up is all.

jacks mannequin-la la lie: another friend song. when i first heard this i played it like 9 gazillion times. love it that much.

mest-until i met you: this is the song i related to most when i finally got over my crush of 6 months. those 6 months were pretty much hell for me & i was extremely pissed off at him, even though he didnt intentionally do anything to hurt me. i still listen to it every now & then whenever i think about him or am pissed off about something.

mxpx-quit your life: this is gonna be my wedding song. i dont care what he thinks.

new found glory-singled out: the ultimate friend-stabby-in-the-back song. ive listened to this one quite a lot over the past few weeks. it first helped me out with a different friend that decided to poop on our friendship. i dont really know why i relate to it so much cuz they didnt necessarily stab me in the back or betray me, they just screwed themselves over pretty bad.

plain white t's-radios in heaven: the song that reminds me of my dead friend from 7th grade. i seriously cant listen to that song or else ill cry. i always skip it.

relient k-who i am hates who ive been: innitially helped me through some stuff although now its on the radio 24/7. still deserves an honorable mention jsut because.

run dmc-its tricky: just cuz its a freaking awesome song that i cannot live without.

smile empty soul-with this knife: kind of the same reason as the afi one, kind of the same meaning as well.

sum 41-fat lip: even though this is no longer my favorite song, it used to be. it was the first rock song i really liked & converted me to rock music & out of the whole boy band stage. so theres a specialy place for that song.

the beautiful mistake-my reminder: my favorite song of all time.

the used-a box full of sharp objects: not my all time favorite the used song but pretty close & one of those songs that i could play over & over again without getting bored of it. & yes i somewhat relate to it.

dont hurt me please.
You're my satellite <3
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Old 02-20-2006, 05:30 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by holdyoualways
wow where did this thread disappear to?
It didn`t have a popularity contest in it

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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