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Old 01-20-2014, 12:23 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default I Know You Want the, D!


Please bare with me. I have never written reviews on anything before or even a journal for that matter. I hate writing. But, I need something to do to stall my job search, lulz. I may review albums, singles, and what have you I have never heard before. So this journal is like my own personal, "The Sexual Experience Thread", only I'll be boasting about how great (or retarded) my first time was, again and again and again (depending on how many fresh album reviews).

Safety goggles are compulsory here.

I will also be using, Trollheart's journal guideline, as a... guideline.

Anyway, I have some material I would like to review and share with you all. It may become a little diverse, but I'll try to keep things slick and tidy. Also might do weekly reviews like, Throwback Thursdays or What's New Wednesdays or something equally as cheese, bruh.

Journal Entries

Artist --- Album/"Single" (Year) [Genre]

Aberrant Corollary --- A Beginning Among Millions (2011) [Post-Rock, Electronic]

And many more!

Will drop something sometime this week or early next week... STAY TUNED!

Last edited by Deviouz; 05-01-2014 at 02:10 AM.
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Old 01-20-2014, 01:27 AM   #2 (permalink)
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You might want to have the Mods also take out that last parenthesis message as well since you can't edit after they in the journal section.

Welcome to the Journal Land. I'll be adding this to the journals that I keep up with.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 01-20-2014, 05:23 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Welcome to Journaltown (Name Copyright Trollheart MMXIV)! Nice to see a new journal and I'll be interested to see what you write about. You just secured a mention in next week's Update Thread!
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Old 01-21-2014, 08:46 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Cheers, lads!
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Old 01-22-2014, 04:28 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
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Old 01-22-2014, 09:57 AM   #6 (permalink)
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[Post-Rock, Electronic]

Alright, today's review is on the (mainly) Post-rock, 'A Beginning Among Millions', a mini-album by Aberrant Corollary, released back in 2011. Although he has been composing music since 2008, this is AbCor's first official release. To me, this album comes of as a well prepared and executed project as AbCor dives into realms consisting of ambient, serene, dark and grotesque styles. Although diverse, the mini-album heads in a solid direction, one that takes you on a ride from way up in the stratosphere, down to a hotel room with Patrick Bateman.

I came across this mini-album through an anime dedicated forum, myanimelist.net, 2 years ago. Some of you may already know that I am a semi-hardcore anime fan and an amateur bedroom-music-producer. So, at the time I registered at MAL, I was curious to see who else made music, what genres did they like to produce and what kinda music do these anime-heads listen to. And to satisfy my curiosity, I started a new thread in the, "Creative Corner."

I get a reply;
Originally Posted by The_Hriday (Corollary)
Why, yes, I do make music. :3
Aberrant Corollary
(Before we move on, I wanna point out that the names of the songs have been hyperlinked. I couldn't find these songs on YT, only available on soundcloud and bandcamp. We really should get soundcloud embedding.)

The mini-album is split into 2 sections. We start off with the first section, consisting of 3 tracks, "A Beginning Among Millions", "An Imagery of Open Fields", and, "The Girls From Andromeda". There is a certain style these 3 tracks share; ambient and atmospheric, filled with cheerful & joyful melodies accompanied by inspiring percussion. The use of synth-pads and guitar picking really sets the pleasant mood and atmosphere. A nice set of songs great for when you're feeling inspired or want to get inspired.

Before we move on to the next set of songs, a brief warning:

Originally Posted by Lemony Snicket
I'm sorry to say that this is not the movie you will be watching. The movie you are about to see is extremely unpleasant. If you wish to see a film about a happy little elf, I'm sure there is still plenty of seating in theater number two.
In this section we wander the dark, eerie, sinister and twisted realm where the next 3 tracks reside, "Nightmare Nocturne No. 1", "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and, "This is What Your Toothache Soundz Like". Although the complete opposite from the first section, these 3 tracks have their own distinct sound, but not differing too far from each other in terms of theme.

"Nightmare Nocturne No. 1", is something I would hear in an Indie-horror game. A sad and daunting piano fills the room. Glitch noises enter, escorting dark, depressing atmospheric sounds. As the song progresses, the intensity of the song escalates until it comes to a sudden halt. To me, "Nightmare Nocturne No. 1", would fit in a movie about a ghost investigator that dies in an haunted mansion after discovering the story of a disturbed ghost. Anyone who can listen to this piece all the way has bigger cojones than Ron Jeremy, forealz. I really enjoyed this track in particular, because it's the one that hits me right in the feels the most.

"Feed Me a Stray Cat", is as twisted as is its name. Even though more upbeat than the previous song, they share the same scary, creepy vibe. It's filled with an '80's gated synth and an energetic drum pattern. What makes this song even more creepier is the 'American Psycho' sample played throughout. If this was made in '99, it would've definitely made the cut for the, 'American Psycho OST'. If I was a murdering lunatic, this song would be racking up the play on my iPod.

So, you're drinking a can of soda, then BOOM! "This is What Your Toothache Soundz Like", is exactly what the name makes it out to be. A song of pain represented in noise. I felt a toothache come on just by listening to it! Not my favorite song off the album, but definitely a creative one!

Last but definitely not least, as it's my favorite track off ABAM, is, "Tion Your Emoshuns". Melancholy, calm & soothing, this is the long deserved break from the last set of songs. Accompanied by subtle & meaningful lyrics, a smooth Rhodes like sound and distorted percussion, it makes for the perfect ending to the wild journey that is, 'A Beginning Among Millions'.

Originally Posted by Aberrant Corollary
Enter teenage years
Hormones - left, right, and centre
"You don't understand that we do understand", they say
You're going through a phase
But soon, it's a haze
They can't see your face
'Cause you're following the latest craze
Overall, 'A Beginning Among Millions', can take the listener by their will and forces the listener to observe its story through great compositions, whether it be running through a serene dream-scape or getting chased by a naked, chainsaw-wielding Christian Bale! Overall, a very solid album and I highly recommend it, which gets the, D.

RATING: 9/10

Bandcamp - Music | Aberrant Corollary
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/the_hriday

P.S. - I had remixed the last song, "Tion Your Emoshuns", if you wanna check it out.

P.S.S. - How'd you like this review/journal piece? Harsh criticism welcome! I would like to get better at writing.

P.S.S.S. - I didn't get to read your whole guide, Trollheart. So you may be disappointed, lulz.

Last edited by Deviouz; 05-01-2014 at 02:08 AM.
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Old 01-26-2014, 12:21 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Very impressive D, especially your descriptions of "Nightmare Nocturne No 1". Some really inventive stuff there and I like your writing style. Looking forward to more from you.

Oh and don't do yourself an injustice: you write really well.
A great first effort.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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