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Old 12-05-2011, 06:29 AM   #11 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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Best avatar: CanwllCorfe's choice of avatars are always brilliant. Dark, but brilliant.
Sexiest Member (male): TheBig3, I'd buy the guy a jar or two, he strikes me as hotheaded too. Also reminds me of house which adds to it.
Sexiest Member (female): Paloma, simply due to her gorgeous eyes.
Most Inane: Harsh catagory.
Most Enigmatic: Tumour, because she talks in pure riddles.
Angriest member: TheBig3.
Biggest Drama Whore: Il Duce, ur a good guy but I call BS on most things you say.
Nicest member: Vege
Best debater: Tore, the guy knows his shit and keeps his shit together well in heated debates.
Worst debater: The Virgin.
Best Writer: Lucifer_Sam, his posts keep me interested.
Biggest Virtuoso: Lateralus.
Smartest poster: Barnard17. Still, you can't win an arguement with Sam, it's probably impossible .
Funniest member: Urban, probably hands down.
Best Mediator: Pedestrian does this quite well, so does Mojopinuk
Biggest Troll : Dirty.
Biggest contributor: Don't know.
Most Improved Member: Tumour, shes a bit older now. More mature I'd say but still childish in alot of ways, good ways though. She used to act like a troll.
Most Underrated Poster: Jack Pat
Most Mainstream Music Taste: DJ
Most Obscure Music Taste: ...
Best Music Taste -: Probably Canwll because he's a regular member and likes electronica musiks too .
Biggest music nerd: Urban.
Best Thread Starter: Vanilla.
Most Missed Poster: Barnard17/Sleepy Jack
Thread of the Year: dont know, dont care.
Best Journal: NumberNineDream's is excellent.
Moderator of the Year: LoathsomePete.
Best new 2011 member: I'm counting Jack Pat because he joined at this time last year.
Member of the Year 2011: I don't know if I think anyone deserves it tbh.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 12-05-2011, 10:51 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Ok here we go and where I`ve left blank, I`ll come back and edit it later. Also thanks for those who voted for the "Metal Wars" thread.

Best Avatar: Jackhammer consistently has the best avatars, especially the old Bob the zombie one.
Sexiest Member (Male): S_K looks like a bearded member of Devo.
Sexiest Member (Female): /
Most Inane: Killcreek Some of the most inane posters around, a shame as he/she liked some good music.
Most Enigmatic: Hip Hop Bunny Hop puzzling!
Angriest Member: The Big 3 a few people put him in his place and he got pissed.
Biggest Drama Whore: S_K dramatizes everything but I think he`s great fun as well.
Nicest Member: Necromancer I love this guy and has a real love of nostalgic 1970s and 1980s rock.
Best Debater: Ska Lagos Sun Jew Ra Usually like his debates.
Worst Debater: Erasertime 206 wins that (No contest really)
Best Writer: RMR I love his reviews, tends to get his reviews just right.
Biggest Virtuoso: /
Smartest Poster: Jackhammer always puts things into perspective.
Funniest Member: Urban I like his sharp wit and he keeps the naughty kids in line.
Best Mediator: Janszoon A perfect mod.
Biggest Troll: The Virgin certainly the most stupidest troll ever.
Biggest Contributor: Il Duce he`s on here every day and another guy I love.
Most Improved Member: /
Most Underrated Poster: The Batlord a metal gold mine and a great guy.
Most Mainstream Music Taste: Il Duce and does he like some crap!!!
Most Obscure Music Taste: Jack Pat and his alternative 1960s sounds.
Best Music Taste: The Batlord his metal tastes usually mirror mine and a real metal guru.
Biggest Music Nerd: Il Duce a fellow nerd like me.
Best Thread Starter: /
Most Missed Poster: Mr Dave he really knew his 1980s and 1990s hard rock.
Moderator of the Year: Janszoon.
Best New Member 2011: Bastard of Young an extreme metal nut and expert, and we need you back on the metal forums asap.
Member of the Year 2011: Il Duce

Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 12-08-2011 at 04:52 AM.
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Old 12-06-2011, 12:05 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Best Avatar: Jackhammer's 'Pink Freud' avatar is classic. Also Vanilla's 'Who The Fuck Is Mick Jagger?' avatar springs to mind.

Sexiest Member (Male): I must say I am envious of RVCA's fine looks.

Sexiest Member (Female): Vanilla, in both looks and attitude. And even though she tends to appear and disappear here Lateralus is certainly quite a looker.

Most Inane: Even though he's a really cool guy I think s_k just tends to post a bit too much detail. Also Il Duce and more recently Mighty Salami, both fun guys but there's no need to reply to every single thread with short pointless posts.

Most Enigmatic: Charlemagne has a great taste in music but I know very little about him other than that.

Angriest Member: TheBig3, he just needs to relax and not take this place so seriously. I know he has a lot to contribute here.

Biggest Drama Whore: Dirty takes the trophy for me. All the drama around here over the past year seemed to be caused by him. Also Oojay for similar reasons.

Nicest Member: Vegangelica is always nice to everyone. Mojopinuk is always very friendly and helpful to everyone as well.

Best Debater: Tore is a very smart debater and always backs up his points well. The same with Janszoon.

Worst Debater: Blastingas just comes across as narrow-minded and ignorant a lot of the time. He just seems to disregard everyone else's opinion.

Best Writer: I find Pedestrian's writing style, especially in her journal, very informative, witty and interesting.

Biggest Virtuoso:

Smartest Poster: Tore and Cardboard Adolescent come across as very intelligent people and are always spot on with their posts.

Funniest Member: Urban Hatemonger. I really don't know what goes on in his head most of the time but I nearly piss myself laughing at some of the stuff he posts. Janszoon and TheCunningStunt also have a great sense of humour.

Best Mediator: Janszoon and Mojopinuk always seem to handle any problem or issue calmly and maturely.

Biggest Troll: The Virgin is the out and out winner. Although Baggs and Captain Ron/Killcreek certainly deserve a mention.

Biggest Contributor: Pedestrian has contributed a lot to the overall quality of this site over the past year and her efforts are greatly appreciated and admired. Jack Pat has also contributed a lot of interesting discussion over the past year.

Most Improved Member: I'm starting to notice starrynight's posts more and more. He seems to have found his feet here over the past few months. Also SIRIUSB seems to have changed his attitude for the better over the past couple of months.

Most Underrated Poster: Odyshape seems to have grown into a very mature and intelligent poster. He could be a key member of the site in 2012.

Most Mainstream Music Taste: djchameleon and Vanilla.

Most Obscure Music Taste: CanwllCorfe listens to some very obscure music. Ska Lago Jew Sun Ra and Jack Pat also seem to listen to a lot of obscure experimental music.

Best Music Taste: Most people here have a great taste in music, but I must say Stu and Bob. have excellent taste.

Biggest Music Nerd: Urban Hatemonger is probably the most passionate about music on this site. Jackhammer isn't too far behind him and both of them have a staggering knowledge of music.

Best Thread Starter: Ditto

Most Missed Poster: Gavin B is sorely missed. His journal was one of the best things on this site and I've discovered plenty of great music from him. Also Sleepy Jack, even though I think he was a bit of a dick he contributed a lot to this place.

Thread of the Year: General Album Club. Always great for discovering new music. It's a shame more people won't join in *ahem*. The Evolution of Music thread is very interesting and insightful, I can't even get my head around half of it. Also The 2011 Music Banter User Awards: NOMINATIONS! thread seems very interesting too

Journal of the Year: Trollheart's Playlist of Life. Even though a lot of the music he posts in it isn't my cup of tea I really admire the amount of effort he puts into it. The guy's in another league. Crosswalking by Pedestrian is always a fascinating and engaging read and is always well presented.

Moderator of the Year: Janszoon uses his moderating experience and a level head to keep this place a very enjoyable place to visit. Pedestrian also does a stellar job and the rest of the moderating team as well. We couldn't ask for a better mod team.

Best New Member 2011: BastardofYoung breathed life into the Rock/Metal section with his excellent knowledge of metal and punk. Also Electrophonic Tonic and Thom Yorke are fine additions to this place.

Member of the Year 2011: Pedestrian. An outstanding member and it's really hard to believe she's only been here just over a year. She's a very nice and intelligent person and her efforts here make her my number one choice. Never leave us!

I will complete categories I left out pretty soon, I just need more time to think about them.

Last edited by Zer0; 12-16-2011 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:41 AM   #14 (permalink)
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i'm not in the habit of judging anybody here and also offending people with my nominations

i'll just chip in with some positive ones and harmless stuff

Biggest Troll - The Virgin
Worst Debater - eraser.time306
most missed member - djchameleon (the only reason i'm still here in the first place)
Sexiest Member (Female) - simpsons guy
Nicest member - s_k

that's about it - the rest are just too judgmental, and i'm not in a mood to raise people's ire either

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 12-08-2011, 08:04 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
Oh don`t be like that, go ahead and do a proper list, its just a bit of fun and nobody takes it too seriously. Or maybe its because you`re are winning a lot of categories and you don`t want to antagonize people into changing their votes
if you insist:-

Best Avatar: Janszoon (the multi-eyed face) - cos i haven't been really afraid for a while

Sexiest Member (Male): ThomYorke (he's gorgeous)

Sexiest Member (Female): BurningDown (always has been attracted to her since the first day when she admonished me - it's a "dominated"-type situation and then she posted her pics - WOWEE ZOWEE!)

Most Inane: ThePhanastasio - i dunno, TMI, perhaps?

Most Enigmatic: skaltezon - dunno anything about him besides his love for Opera and Marilyn Manson

Angriest Member: dunno? everybody's anger seemed fake, blastingas, I guess, mostly cos of his outbursts in the marijuana thread

Biggest Drama Whore: Ska Lagos Sun Jew Ra (only when his taste in music is put down)

Nicest Member: s_k

Best Debater: steveeden888 - i suppose he left because of our intellectual paucity - but his religious posts were very deep and meaningful

Worst Debater: eraser.time306 - the shortest distance from point a to point b is a straight line, godamit

Best Writer: anticipation - usually expresses himself well

Biggest Virtuoso: SIRIUSB - his stuff is awesome

Smartest Poster: DayVan Cowboy - i mean, c'mon at her age, she's elucidating very well, indeed

Funniest Member: The Batlord - yes, i'm into juvenile/puerile jokes

Best Mediator: Pedestrian - can always cool people down

Biggest Troll: The Virgin, the guy is intentionally putting bugs up everybody's ass, and the only person who could "liked" him was oojay

Biggest Contributor: tore - always insightful, always well-reasoned, always adding something new

Most Improved Member: hip hop bnny bop - when i joined, he was pretty much a thinly-veiled racist, now a bit more reasonable

Most Underrated Poster: Mighty Salami, people seem to think him as a noob with fairly standard tastes, but i see great potential

Most Mainstream Music Taste: djchameleon/The Virgin

Most Obscure Music Taste: JackPat

Best Music Taste: JackPat as well

Biggest Music Nerd: Unknown Soldier

Best Thread Starter: Urban Hatemonger (follow his as if i'm his disciple)

Most Missed Poster: djchameleon/boozinbloozin/oojay

Thread of the Year: whichever it was called - The Virgin's Coming Out Thread - i was pretty much ROTFL reading all the posts there

Journal of the Year: I don't read them much

Moderator of the Year: Freebase Dali - always fair, always helpful

Best New Member 2011: i don't keep track, but things have been more interesting since TomClancy11 joined

Member of the Year 2011: loose lips sink ships - evocative, resonant posts all the time

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 12-08-2011, 08:05 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Alright, here's my list. This was hard. There are so many people who I wanted to nominate for something but there wasn't an exact category they fit into.

Best Avatar: Freebase Dali—His monster nurse avatar has become a kind of MB icon for me. And his ghost/mad scientist/klan member/whatever it is avatar wasn't too shabby either.
Sexiest Member (Male): I don't think I pay enough attention to the member picture gallery to answer this
Sexiest Member (Female): Same as above
Most Inane: Il Duce—I honestly don't even mean this in a bad way. I'm sure he's aware that he talks a lot of nonsense (he's a lawyer after all) but I actually think he adds a certain flavor to the forum and I can't help but like him for it.
Most Enigmatic: PoorOldPo—As someone else already said, the guy makes beautiful art and seems really nice. It would be great to hear some music discussion from him though.
Angriest Member: Oojay—The ragemeister himself gets my nomination for this one.
Biggest Drama Whore: Dirty—When 99% of your posts consist of whining, you get the drama whore nod. Them's the rules.
Nicest Member: Lisnaholic—An all around classy individual. We don't tend to lurk in the same part of the site but it's always a pleasant surprise to cross paths with him.
Best Debater: Tore—I'm pretty sure I've voted him for this in previous years, but that's probably because he's so good at making solid, logical arguments.
Worst Debater: eraser.time206—Bad debaters come and go like the tide around here. He's just the first one to spring to mind since he was recent.
Best Writer: Engine—I always look forward to his posts. Not just because he has a great taste in music but because he has a lot of interesting things to say and is able to articulate them incredibly well.
Biggest Virtuoso: Burning Down—Have you heard this woman play flute? Amazing stuff.
Smartest Poster: Freebase Dali—Incredibly knowledgeable about everything from recording techniques to computers and probably the best problem solver around here as well.
Funniest Member: nonsubmissivewife—So friendly and easygoing that it's easy to miss how sharp her wit is, but she cracks me the hell up.
Best Mediator: mojopinuk—One of the most level-headed people around and very good at seeing an argument from all sides.
Biggest Troll: The Virgin—Does this even require an explanation?
Biggest Contributor: Jackhammer—He maybe hasn't been around as much this year as in years past, but he still is one of the major shapers of MB.
Most Improved Member: Lone Misfit—A little while ago it struck me how great it's been to see this guy grow during his time here. In less than two years he's matured a lot and gone from pretty much only talking about metal to having quite broad tastes. He was always a pretty cool cat but it's great to see him turning into one of the most thoughtful and interesting members here.
Most Underrated Poster: Thom Yorke—Some people show up here and immediately seem like they've been a part of the community forever and he's one of them. Always has something interesting to say and doesn't seem to take himself very seriously.
Most Mainstream Music Taste: Billy Jerome—This is in no way a put-down. For one thing, he digs his fair share of non-mainstream stuff too. It's just nice to see someone on here who is able to discuss modern (or semi-modern) pop music with such intelligence.
Most Obscure Music Taste: JackPat—I have a lot of common ground with him musically but even still I'm amazed by some of the stuff he comes up with. I can't even begin to imagine where he finds it.
Best Music Taste: Bob.—It certainly doesn't hurt that he and I are the same age and clearly ran in the same kinds of circles growing up, but if he recommends something, it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that I'll love it.
Biggest Music Nerd: Burning Down—Who could be a bigger music nerd than someone who actually studies it in an academic setting? She's easily one of the most knowledgeable people on MB, a fact which too often goes overlooked I think.
Best Thread Starter: Bastard of Young—Wins it for starting my favorite thread of the year (see below), plus I always look forward to reading what he has to say.
Most Missed Poster: Dankrsta—Where the hell have you been? This place hasn't been the same without you.
Thread of the Year: "The Death Metal Thread"—Pretty straight forward topic but it contained some of the best conversations on MB in 2011 IMO. It was always at the top of my list of things to check on whenever I logged in. I really appreciate MB's core crew of metal fans for making it that way.
Journal of the Year: "Just Can't Keep My Filthy Hands Of Your Piece Of Mind - Bob's Guide To Noise Rock" by Bob.—Still in it's infancy but it's definitely the journal I'm most excited about. All I have to say is he better finish it!
Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian—She's really blossomed as a mod and become such a vital part of the team. Especially in the past few months she's done a ton and really helped bring a lot of fun to MB.
Best New Member 2011: Batlord—It's kind of shocking he's been here for as little time as he has since he's such an MB fixture. He's hilarious and has some great things to say. I'm definitely a fan.
Member of the Year 2011: s_k—I had a really hard time picking this one, but I'm giving it to this guy because he's such a character. He can be controversial at times I guess but he definitely brings a certain je ne sais quoi to MB that wasn't here before and which I think makes this place just a bit more interesting.
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Old 12-08-2011, 09:43 PM   #17 (permalink)
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  • Best Avatar: Djchameleon. A picture is worth a thousand erec... I mean, words.
  • Sexiest Member (Female): Vanilla. Ditto.
  • Nicest Member: Vegangelica. Doesn't she have a heart of gold?
  • Best Debater: Tore. Always uses wise and well-constructed arguments.
  • Biggest Virtuoso: Rezz.
  • Funniest Member: TheCunningStunt.
  • Best Mediator: Janszoon. MB's King Solomon.
  • Biggest Troll: The Virgin. As dumb as a silicone squid.
  • Biggest Contributor: Il Duce.
  • Most Improved Member: Tumor. From a malignant tumor to a benign tumor.
  • Most Obscure Music Taste: CanwllCorfe.
  • Best Music Taste: Burning Down.
  • Biggest Music Nerd: Il Duce. A big "music database".
  • Most Missed Poster: Holly984.
  • Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian.
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:23 PM   #18 (permalink)
Partying on the inside
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(Will edit in remaining nominations later)

Best Avatar:
  1. Urban Hatemonger - I don't even know what that thing is, but it sits there in all its ridiculous glory just daring you to look away. It's like a visual representation of how it feels to have an epileptic seizure while on LSD during a plane crash. I love it.
  2. Janszoon - Not so much for his latest one, but the previous avatar with the eyes was great, not to mention practically every one previous to it.
  3. Jackhammer - Can't mess with Pink Freud.
Sexiest Member (Male):
Sexiest Member (Female):

Most Inane:
  1. s_k - If you want to know every mundane aspect of the lives of s_k, his ex-girlfriend, and his cat, you have come to the right internet. Includes pictures and videos.
  2. Il Duce - If I didn't know better, I would have thought that somehow his twitter feed got stuck in the Your Day thread. I might have a word with Yac, though, because I'm not entirely sure that's not the case.
Most Enigmatic:
  1. Big3 - It probably has something to do with the way he communicates. Or... attempts to? See? I'm totally not sure.
Angriest Member:
  1. Big3 - I'm still learning how to avoid pressing his buttons. I'm still trying to figure out what they are, as indicated in the previous category.
  2. Lucifer Sam - Satan knows I love him, but he sure does know how to storm out of a room with a pouty lip of unrivaled proportions. Anger only looks good on him when it's not tainted by hurt feelings.
Biggest Drama Whore:
  1. hip hop bunny hop - Pretty much anything he says is bound to cause some drama. Popcorn-worthy drama.
  2. Paloma - Ingredients: Hot girl that isn't Paloma, with pics. Instructions: Place hot girl into thread. Make hot girl post various pics of herself. Wait. Enjoy!
Nicest Member:
  1. Necromancer - This guy would literally give you the shirt off his back and pay for the shipping costs. He gets first place because out of all the time he's been here, I've never once witnessed anything negative come from him. We need at least one guy that balances the hate/love equation around here, and he's got enough positive nature for us to collectively sacrifice babies to Beelzebub on a daily basis, that this web site would still go to heaven.
  2. Tore - He's had his moments, but the vast majority of his interactions have been positive and helpful, as they usually always are.
  3. Jack Pat - I'm only putting him here because he restrains himself and practices what he preaches. But I can see the passive-aggressiveness when he alludes to particular behaviors and suddenly I'm like "oh sh*t, he's talking about me". All-round good man, though. I could only wish I had the restraint he has.
Best Debater:
  1. hip hop bunny hop - I won't even bother putting a reason here. If you want to know, challenge him, and if you don't eventually agree with him, you'll simply be outlasted.
  2. Tore - He's like a non-controversial version of bunny hop when it comes to debates. If you're still looking for factual content after arguing with him, it's likely you've been slapped with it and just don't know it yet.
Worst Debater:

Best Writer:
  1. Pedestrian - Even if we're not talking strictly content, she has a writing style that reminds me a little of Chuck Palahniuk, so that scores points with me.
Biggest Virtuoso:
  1. Guitarbizarre
  2. RezZ
  3. Conan
Smartest Poster:
  1. Lucifer Sam - Even if he hasn't told you about his college education, usually you're left with little doubt of his wit. Although, his downfall is that his emotions have a tendency to overtake the smarter part of himself.
  2. Urban Hatemonger - Wit in bottle, and reserved for exactly the right moments.
  3. Janszoon - Wit in a bucket, and gratuitously dispensed. I think maybe the impact of what he says goes a little more unnoticed by many, since it's often overshadowed by the comedic value in play and seen more as funny than what was required to arrive at that state. Maybe his wit is almost taken for granted, which may result in expectation, rather than impact.
Funniest Member:
  1. Janszoon - For the reasons above. Although, the mechanics at play are not lost on me.
  2. Urban Hatemonger - Precise unexpectedness and impact. He appears out of nowhere, and will ninja-comedy a situation.
  3. Tumor - The sheer atrociousness of what she says has a tendency to catch me off guard and make me laugh. She will b*tch slap you with a disease-ridden joke that will make you laugh on the outside, and cringe on the inside.
Best Mediator:
Biggest Troll:

Biggest Contributor:
  1. Pedestrian - Not only juggling the duties of a mod, but the contributions of fallen mods as well, and new projects of her own, without flinching; she gets this category without a doubt.
Most Improved Member:
Most Underrated Poster:

Most Mainstream Music Taste:
  1. djchameleon - If he listens to it, you've heard of it. And probably don't care for it much.
  2. Vanilla - Even her electronic taste is mainstream. That's pretty hard to do. (don't kill me, Vanilla)
Most Obscure Music Taste:
  1. Dankrsta
  2. Canwllcorfe
  3. Janszoon
Best Music Taste:
  1. Janszoon - I most enjoy lurking his contributions. I haven't found anything about his taste offensive (except Faith No More, which I can't stand) or, at the very least, not cool as f*ck.
  2. Canwllcorfe - When it comes to Electronic, I trust him completely with recommendations.
Biggest Music Nerd:
Best Thread Starter:

Most Missed Poster:
  1. Sidewinder
Thread of the Year:
Journal of the Year:

Moderator of the Year:
  1. Pedestrian - For the reasons stated in my nomination of her for Biggest Contributor.
  2. The rest of you slackers - Y'all aught to be ashamed of yourselves. Me too.
Best New Member 2011:

Member of the Year 2011:
  1. Pedestrian - For the reasons stated above, whose reasons are stated above that. Stateception.
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:46 PM   #19 (permalink)
( ̄ー ̄)
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Thanks for the nominations, anyone who nominated me!

Best Avatar: Meph1986, Urban Hatemonger, Mykonos
Sexiest Member (Male): CanwllCorfe, Tore, Odyshape
Sexiest Member (Female): Dreadnaught, Lateralus
Most Inane: SIRIUSB unequivocally
Most Enigmatic: mr dave, Yac
Angriest Member: Big3. I've never seen anyone get so worked up over an internet forum
Biggest Drama Whore: see above ^
Nicest Member: Vegangelica, Holly, Burning Down
Best Debater: Tore, hip hop bunny
Worst Debater: erasertime, big3
Best Writer: Comus
Biggest Virtuoso: no idea
Smartest Poster: tore, duga, skaltezon
Funniest Member: Tumor
Best Mediator:
Biggest Troll: baggs
Biggest Contributor: Pedestrian
Most Improved Member:
Most Underrated Poster: Freebase Dali
Most Mainstream Music Taste: ME
Most Obscure Music Taste: CanwllCorfe, bob
Best Music Taste: Alfred, LoathsomePete, Charlemagne
Biggest Music Nerd: bob
Best Thread Starter:
Most Missed Poster: James, gunnels, mr dave
Thread of the Year: Christians
Journal of the Year: Crosswalking, Quiet Man in the Corner, Trollhearts Journal (for sheer mass)
Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian for obvious reasons, Freebase runner up for his great work on the compilations thread earlier
Best New Member 2011: abearmauledme, or is it Phantom Limb?
Member of the Year 2011: Pedestrian for obvious reasons

I will finish the rest later. Or maybe not. We shall see.

Last edited by RVCA; 12-16-2011 at 06:32 PM.
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Old 12-09-2011, 02:33 AM   #20 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Best Avatar: I like Paloma's Octupus/Squid avatar the best. Honorable mention to ThePhanastasio's red Mike Gordon avatar.
Sexiest Member (Male): Adidass I've met him, so It's bona fide.
Sexiest Member (Female): Paloma I know this because every time I start writing a brief explanation as to why I believe this to be true, I look up at the screen after I've been typing for a minute and it's like a letter to Penthouse Forums, so I will just say, Yes. Yes, she is.
Most Inane: Steveeden888 If I had that little to say, I wouldn't write so much.
Most Enigmatic: Yac Seriously He's like the Charlie to our Angels. You'd think he'd at least post a picture.
Angriest Member: Lucifer Sam. Well, it's actually me, but I'm too lazy do anything but yell at the computer screen.
Biggest Drama Whore: TheBig3, but I'm thankful for it.
Nicest Member: S_K And it might not even be to his benefit. I think he gets the brunt of a lot of shit, which is a shame, because I think he's one of our better members and he's never been anything but completely gracious toward me.
Best Debater: Janzoon It just seems so effortless with him. I thought I was good. I can't imagine him responding to someone else's inflamed doctoral thesis without thinking he's probably doing something much more interesting and enjoyable at the same time.
Best Writer: Paloma even her writing is sexy.
Biggest Virtuoso: GB, baby
Smartest Poster: Tore I think the photos are a front and he's really Doctor Manhattan from The Watchmen.
Funniest Member: TheBig3 He's really not angry. He's surly. Don't ask me what the difference is, but there is one, and it is funny.
Best Mediator: Vegangelica She always seems to bring a level of decorum to any debate even when she's deeply involved.
Biggest Troll: Dirty, or any of his many aliases.
Biggest Contributor: Pedestrian
Most Improved Member: Dirty He was banned and it was an improvement.
Most Underrated Poster: S_K see Nicest Poster comments.
Most Mainstream Music Taste: Vanilla - But she is darn cute
Most Obscure Music Taste: Bob. I think Bob. became the new Sidewinder with a more diversified palate, something I thought was not possible.
Best Music Taste: Jackhammer He's probably the one person besides me that can go from 80's glam metal to dub reggae without missing a beat and I'm grateful for that fact.
Biggest Music Nerd: Stu Seriously, talk about back from the dead, and he didn't even need MB to expand his musical horizons.
Best Thread Starter: Urban has resurrected this entire forum with a single well-crafted thread. More than once, I think.
Most Missed Poster: Savannah. Honorable mention to Right Track
Thread of the Year: COME HERE for a GODDAMNED SANTA HAT: I will not be moved.
Journal of the Year: 100 Albums I heartily Endorse
Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian I think she gets salary and just isn't telling any of us. I can't imagine putting in half the amount of work that she does here.
Best New Member 2011: I don't know who's new and who's not anymore.
Member of the Year 2011: NonSubmissiveWife because she just deserves an award and I would like her to bake me cookies.
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