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Old 01-11-2010, 07:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Music Help, Survey Studies, Poster Wants, Music Sheets Thread.

Hi all. I am desperately looking for the poster which has someone stood on land putting a finger up to the law on the other side of the crack in the earth. I am sure you know which poster I am talking about. I have searched everywhere online and can't seem to find one for sale. I take it you can still get this poster.

Any insight into this query would be appreciated.

Many thanks.
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Old 01-11-2010, 03:35 PM   #2 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Default Music Help, Survey Studies, Poster Wants, Music Sheets Thread.

All requests for music help apart from finding a particular tune or song recommendations are to be placed in here. Surveys/Questionnaires, music sheets, posters, photos and general help.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:09 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Need help with my Master's thesis - how environment affects songwriting/recording

I'm going to soon start working on my Master's thesis, and as an Interior Design student with a background in music journalism, I've decided to combine the best of both worlds. I'm really fascinated with how musicians seek alternative environments to write/record music. I've noticed a trend in recent years of bands straying away from the confines of a huge, elaborate studio in Los Angeles and instead opting for a more untraditional place to work on their music.

Some examples that I've already found are...

*Grizzly Bear cut some Veckatimest tracks in old, weathered church in Brooklyn (the rest were recorded in the singer's house in Cape Cod)

* Death Cab for Cutie recorded some material for Plans in a barn at Longview Farms, North Brookfield, MA

*Mike Kinsella (Owen) records the majority of his music in the basement of his mom's house

*a fantastic Radiohead clip where Thom Yorke says "To me the environment in which one records is the only thing that matters..."

This is just a rough concept, it definitely needs to be tweaked and more defined. I am just fascinated with how musicians' creativity during the songwriting/recording process is influenced by where they are and choose to be. If you have any information or can point me to any articles/videos of bands talking about recording in an unconventional environment, I'd really appreciate the help!
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Old 01-12-2010, 05:29 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Help with name of a band??

Hello. I just got back from Japan and on the same flight I was on, going from Tokyo to US, there was a band. I chatted with them and they were super nice, but i didnt catch their name. I was too shy to ask any questions. :-) But I did overhear one of the band members saying they were all actually from different bands and they got together and were doing shows. Some of the names mentioned were Dokken (I think), Ratt, Powerman 5000 and Soulfly. Does anyone know about members from these bands (plus a few others) that formed another band and recently played in Japan? Im so curious as to who all I was chatting with (for like 2 minutes). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
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Old 01-14-2010, 01:13 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default All-in-one Jukebox

Hi everyone here, I need a all-in-one jukebox, is any body have some software recommend? what about top software? Does work well?
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Old 01-17-2010, 08:17 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Talking Music Schools, Recommedations ?

Hi ! Im 20 years old now, and have decided to study contemporary music on some University in Some city, but Not in Sweden, where I live now! There are Sooo many schools around the world, and I cant really sort them, have heard so mutch about MI and Berklee, but I would like to study somewhere in Europe, since USA is the most expensive place ? I dont know.. Ive been looking at Tech Music Schools too, It seems cool. So my Question is, Can you recommend any Music Education for a guitarplayer who likes to play almost everything, but is specialized around pop/rock music ? No classical education, and not any 100% jazz nerdy stuff either. Very thankful for answeres ! Thanks for youre time.
Mvh Erik Björksten
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Old 01-19-2010, 09:36 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Fantasmic Disney theme park theme Sheet Music

Hi, can someone please post or send me a copy of Fantasmic (song played in the Disney theme park) sheet music for piano or guitar? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks so much guys

[email address removed by moderator]
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Old 01-26-2010, 01:58 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Sweet child of mine Rhythmn Tab?

Where can i find the Rhythmn tab for sweet child of mine? ive been looking all other and it always comes up with the lead tab this would be REALLY helpfull
"Don't cross the road, If you cant get out of the kitchen"
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Old 01-26-2010, 09:17 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Default Why do you listen to Metal?

If you could answer these questions you'd do me a massive favor, it's for my A Level Coursework research:

1. What do you think of Heavy metal/screamo/death metal/etc. (basiclly anything of the heavier persuasion)?

2. Do you listen to metal?

2a. [If yes] Why do you enjoy it?

2b. [if no] What are your reasons, beyond not liking it?

3. Do you agree that heavy music makes it's listeners more prone to violent thoughts and/or actions? Why?

4. Do you agree with the idea that anyone who watches violent music videos along with the violent song will become, themselves, more violent to them or others?

5. Do you think that Marilyn Manson's music videos are too violently and sexually explicit?

6. If you pass a person on the street who is heavily tattooed and pierced and is wearing an all black outfit consiting mostly of studs/leather do you feel slightly intmidated?

If you could answer these questions it would be a MASSIVE help, really! If you could answer as detailed as possible that would also be great. I need the most honest views you can give.

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Old 01-26-2010, 09:47 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kimmage View Post
If you could answer these questions you'd do me a massive favor, it's for my A Level Coursework research:

1. What do you think of Heavy metal/screamo/death metal/etc. (basiclly anything of the heavier persuasion)?

2. Do you listen to metal?

2a. [If yes] Why do you enjoy it?

2b. [if no] What are your reasons, beyond not liking it?

3. Do you agree that heavy music makes it's listeners more prone to violent thoughts and/or actions? Why?

4. Do you agree with the idea that anyone who watches violent music videos along with the violent song will become, themselves, more violent to them or others?

5. Do you think that Marilyn Manson's music videos are too violently and sexually explicit?

6. If you pass a person on the street who is heavily tattooed and pierced and is wearing an all black outfit consiting mostly of studs/leather do you feel slightly intmidated?
1) Metal is great. Most of the time. Like any other genre there are good and bad artists. But I am a fan.

2) Yes, obviously. I like it because it's loud and aggressive, like me. It doesn't take itself too seriously, like me.

3) Hell no. I've been a metal fan since I was 12, and never been in a fight (That's 16 years, if you're counting....)

4) No. It's all about your predisposition. If you're a violent person by nature, you may seek out those sorts of videos as a way to vent, or if you're really ****ed up, as a way to get ideas. But the music and videos don't make you violent.

5) Manson is a big teddy bear. Look at Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, or any other death metal band if you want violence..... hell, look up "Disposal of the Body lyrics" on google, then tell me Manson is violent

6) **** no. I'll ask them where they got their ink done. People with tattoos are people too, just cooler
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