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Old 09-16-2005, 03:26 PM   #41 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by Josephine

And I checked out "The black Marlene Dietrich", Martina Topley Bird, she's awesome. I love soul music and her voice is incredible.
You are my new favourite person

Originally Posted by Josephine
I also do appreciate that you picked The Kinks - Village Green Preservation Society... Although I cannot understand what you said about Sgt. Pepper! It's a real important Beatles record to me, cuz it shows their development so perfectly.
I just never liked it , who knows why. It just never appealed to me.

Originally Posted by adidasss
nevermind at 89? that's really all i have to say about this list.
Thats not bad considering i`ve not listened to it in about 8 years

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 09-16-2005, 05:56 PM   #42 (permalink)
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72. Judas Priest - Killing Machine / Hell Bent For Leather (Depending on where you live) (1979)

I was always a Judas Priest man rather than an Iron Maiden man and this album was one of the main reasons why.This album for me is the album that shoved metal into the 80s. I found most 70s metal bands to be kinda sludgy sounding & doom laden , even the Judas Priest albums that came before this one were like that.This was a turning point for me , the guitars were sharp & crisp sounding & the songs were fast and to me the whole thing sounded light years away from what most people were doing at the time ,Not to mention you also get an awesome Fleetwood Mac cover (Green Manalishi) and one of the best metal ballads ever written(Before the dawn).But ignoring those a lot of the material on this album was probably the template for thrash metal. Sadly because this album came out a good 4 or 5 years before they became hugely successful it tends to get overlooked in favour of their bigger selling albums , but this will always be my favourite Priest album.

Favourite songs Hell Bent For Leather , Green Manalishi (With The Two Pronged Crown) , Before The Dawn

71. Graham Coxon - Happiness In Magazines (2004)

FINALLY !!!!!!

This is the album i`ve been waiting Graham Coxon to knock out for about 7 years. It`s almost like when he was with Blur his solo albums wern`t really that important. His four solo albums before this were really hit & miss. But when he did hit , the songs were really good & it made you wish that he would do a whole album like that.Away from Blur he seems to have made a real effort on his solo stuff this time & thankfully it works. For me Graham Coxon is probably the most underrated guitarist ever , this album is nothing but pure rock , seriously the Foo Fighters would crawl over broken glass on their bellies naked to have songs so catchy that rock as hard as these do. I saw him play pretty much the whole album live, there was so much energy & vibrancy to the songs it was like being at a punk gig.

Favourite songs - Spectacular , Bittersweet Bundle Of Misery , Freakin Out

70. Soft Cell - Non Stop Erotic Cabaret (1981)

This as far as I am aware was the first album I ever owned. I was 5 or 6 years old & had just been given a little portable radio / cassette player for my birthday , and my mother said she`d buy a tape for me to listen to in it. At the time Tainted Love was a big favourite in our household so naturally I chose this. I loved it & for the next 5 or 6 years proceeded to wear the tape out.
Skip forward to 2 years ago , i`m doing a little music shopping & I see this album going for a quid. Feelings of nostaligia run over me & I decide to buy it. I look at the back to remind myself of the songs & I just laugh. Sex Dwarf , Seedy Films , Bedsitter... My mother let me listen to this as a kid for christ sake. I could only laugh that my mother would let her 5 year old little boy listen to songs about dwarves with spanking fetishes & people going to peep shows & being into bondage. This album is so disgusting I felt like I should have bought it wearing a plastic mac & put it in a brown paper bag when I left the shop.But I loved it then & I still love it & listening to it never fails to make me smile.

Favourite songs - Tainted Love , Sex Dwarf , Chips On My Shoulder

69. And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Madonna (1999)

I`d seen this lot mentioned by a lot of people I knew & with a name like that just assumed they were some kind of crappy death metal band. But then I found myself reading about them somewhere & saw them described as 'art punk' & comparisons to Sonic Youth`s Sister album , after that I was sold & went out & bought this. I seem to remember buying this & ATDI`s Relationship Of Command the same day (Due to someone telling me that if i was getting this I should get the other too)and to be fair it was quite a while before I listened to ADTI because I thought this was an amazing album. It just seemed to flow from one song to another & I listened to it the whole way through on it`s first listen (Something I rarely do).Some people might argue the 2 albums that came after this were better , but for me I found this the most accessable & I enjoy it a lot more than their other work.

Favourite songs - Mistakes & Regrets , Flood Of Red , Mark David Chapman

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 09-16-2005, 07:18 PM   #43 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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68. Spiritualized - Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space (1997)

If there`s one thing I love it`s big sounding albums , and this is BIG.It almost sounds like it could have been produced by Phil Spector.If I had to describe this album to anyone I would say it`s stoner rock meets classical music.There`s a great cameo on this album from Dr John on Cop Shoot Cop ,and the London Community Gospel Choir crop up on a number of songs to make this album something special. My only regret about this album was the version of Come Together on here, as good as it is is not the special version they released as a single backed up with a full orchestra. I remember getting goosebumps the first time I heard that song it was so good. When I bought this I got the special limited edition that came as a pill box , complete with sleeve notes written as a perscription & the CD itself came out of a plastic packet with foil over it just like a packet of pills, needless to say 8 years later the whole thing is scratched to hell because of that so I think a replacement is due.

Favourite songs - Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space , Come Together , Electricity

67. The Mars Volta - De-loused In The Comatoruim (2003)

I have to admit I was never much a fan of ATDI , Don`t get me wrong I liked them , but only the occasional song. When I first heard about the Mars Volta I have to say I was curious , especially when I read that their music consisted of pretty much everything under the kitchen sink. The more I read the more I wanted this album to come out. I was expecting to be dissapointed but luckily I wasn`t. I was totally blown away when I heard this. It sounded totally unlike anything I had ever heard before. I didn`t like all of it , not straight away anyway. But the sheer originality behind it kept me going until I loved it in it`s entirity.See ... this is what I want from my music. I want originality , i want things to be just so odd i`m unsure if I actually like them or not and I have to repeatedly listen to try and figure it all out.This is how music should be. Totally uncompromising , original , people making the music they want to make without sanitising it & dumbing it down to get 3 minutes on the radio. Great stuff.

Favourite songs - Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of), Drunkship of Lanterns , Cicatriz ESP

66. Janes Addiction - Ritual De Lo Habitual (1990)

An open letter to Perry Farrell
Oh Perry , Perry. Why didn`t you just leave it as it was and have this as people`s last memory of Janes Addiction. Fine you want to get back together , but couldn`t you have just played a few old songs & then go back to doing whatever you were doing before? Don`t get me wrong here , Strays is an OK album but to me it`s not Janes Addiction , it sounds like Guns n Roses being Janes Addiction. It`s nowhere near as good as this is , in fact after hearing your bloody awful solo album (which to me sounded like you were trying to make the lamest ever trip hop album ever recorded ) I would be very surprised if you did so again. But in the event that you can please listen to this album first to remind yourself just what you are capable of. The thing I loved about Janes Addiction was the way they could take a slow ballad & just fill it with intensity & make it heavy in emotion rather than in sound , the very same thing that made me love Joy Division so much. Your last album was just full of Navarro`s macho posturing & solos , back when this came out that was what you were the alternative to.
Much Love
Urban H

Favourite songs - Stop , Been Caught Stealing , Classic Girl

65. Chemical Brothers - Exit Planet Dust (1995)

They may be more diverse these days but I always liked them best when their albums had big beats in them . This album put dance music on the map for me, before this I had no interest in dance music whatsoever. But I heard a couple of songs & couldn`t believe my ears , those beats , the pumping bassline , the wailing sampled guitars , Beth Orton & Tim Burgess guesting on songs. Call it dance music if you like but to me this rocks harder than a hell of a lot of rock bands do.This album is pure Rock N Roll.

Favourite songs - Leave Home , Life Is Sweet , Playground for a Wedgeless Firm

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 09-28-2005, 05:38 AM   #44 (permalink)
Dr. Prunk
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Well?, You aren't gonna leave us hanging are you?
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 09-28-2005, 05:28 PM   #45 (permalink)
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im gonna steal your thing and heres 100 i came up with in under 30 minutes:
black flag first four years
minutemen double nickels
minutemen what makes man start fire
kid koala carpal tunnel syndrome
autechre lp5
autechre tri-repetae++
can ege bamyasi
can tago mago
rush 2112
rush permanent waves
rush moving pictures
led zeppelin 3
led zeppelin houses of the holy
aerosmith rocks
funkadelic maggot brain
public enemy it takes a nation
ultramagnetic mcs s/t
drive like jehu s/t
buzz****s singles going steady
the ****ies incredible shrinking ****ies
husker du zen arcade
husker du flip your wig
dinosaur jr your living all over me
sonic youth sister
sebadoh III
mission of burma vs.
soft machine volume 1
moody blues days of future
joy division closer
refused songs to fan the flames
bob marley uprising
bob dylan blood on the tracks
bob dylan highway revisited
neil young harvest
40-kraftwerk man machine
neu! neu!2
guns n roses appetite for destruction
ac/dc highway to hell
johny cash live at folsom
rolling stones sticky fingers
rolling stones let it bleed
rolling stones beggars banquet
pink floyd meddle
pink floyd piper at the gates
pink floyd wish you were here
television marque moon
gang of four entertainment
wire chairs missing
wire pink flag
magazine secondhand daylight
velvet underground loaded
velvet underground and nico
rodan rusty
slint spiderland
mars volta de-loused
at the drive-in acrobat tenement
big black songs about f*cking
bad religion against the grain
operation ivy energy
dilute gypsy valentine curve
sigur ros ( )
sigur ros alright start
explosions in the sky the earth is not
the smiths s/t
fugazi red medicine
pantera vulgar display
king crimson red
king crimson in the court
king crimson larks tongue
primus frizzle fry
busdriver fear of a black tangent
descendents milo goes to college
nerve agents butterfly collection
ink and dagger drive this 7"
80-fear the record
dead kennedys fresh fruit
the cure pornography
the cure disintegration
richard hell and voidoids blank generation
talk talk laughing stalk
talk spirit of eden
orbital 2
sick of it all blood,sweat,no tears
the icarus line penance soiree
dead milkmen big lizard
codeine frigid stars
jesus and mary chain psychocandy
my bloody valentine loveless
living colour cult of personalty
parliament mothership connection
the doors s/t
the doors la woman
311 grassroots
spacemen 3 perfect prescription
lil john kings of krunk
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Old 09-28-2005, 06:06 PM   #46 (permalink)
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I don't think I could even name 100 albums that I love enough to call my favorites. I tried, got to around 40, and stopped.
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Old 09-29-2005, 12:53 AM   #47 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by boo boo
Well?, You aren't gonna leave us hanging are you?
I`ve been busy , i`ll try & have another 20 or so up by the end of the weekend.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 09-29-2005, 03:06 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by <<<>>>
im gonna steal your thing and heres 100 i came up with in under 30 minutes:
black flag first four years
minutemen double nickels
minutemen what makes man start fire
kid koala carpal tunnel syndrome
autechre lp5
autechre tri-repetae++
can ege bamyasi
can tago mago
rush 2112
rush permanent waves
rush moving pictures
led zeppelin 3
led zeppelin houses of the holy
aerosmith rocks
funkadelic maggot brain
public enemy it takes a nation
ultramagnetic mcs s/t
drive like jehu s/t
buzz****s singles going steady
the ****ies incredible shrinking ****ies
husker du zen arcade
husker du flip your wig
dinosaur jr your living all over me
sonic youth sister
sebadoh III
mission of burma vs.
soft machine volume 1
moody blues days of future
joy division closer
refused songs to fan the flames
bob marley uprising
bob dylan blood on the tracks
bob dylan highway revisited
neil young harvest
40-kraftwerk man machine
neu! neu!2
guns n roses appetite for destruction
ac/dc highway to hell
johny cash live at folsom
rolling stones sticky fingers
rolling stones let it bleed
rolling stones beggars banquet
pink floyd meddle
pink floyd piper at the gates
pink floyd wish you were here
television marque moon
gang of four entertainment
wire chairs missing
wire pink flag
magazine secondhand daylight
velvet underground loaded
velvet underground and nico
rodan rusty
slint spiderland
mars volta de-loused
at the drive-in acrobat tenement
big black songs about f*cking
bad religion against the grain
operation ivy energy
dilute gypsy valentine curve
sigur ros ( )
sigur ros alright start
explosions in the sky the earth is not
the smiths s/t
fugazi red medicine
pantera vulgar display
king crimson red
king crimson in the court
king crimson larks tongue
primus frizzle fry
busdriver fear of a black tangent
descendents milo goes to college
nerve agents butterfly collection
ink and dagger drive this 7"
80-fear the record
dead kennedys fresh fruit
the cure pornography
the cure disintegration
richard hell and voidoids blank generation
talk talk laughing stalk
talk spirit of eden
orbital 2
sick of it all blood,sweat,no tears
the icarus line penance soiree
dead milkmen big lizard
codeine frigid stars
jesus and mary chain psychocandy
my bloody valentine loveless
living colour cult of personalty
parliament mothership connection
the doors s/t
the doors la woman
311 grassroots
spacemen 3 perfect prescription
lil john kings of krunk
Urbans list has 100 different artists
She thinks I'm a reclusive genius, she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out i'm a reclusive wanker
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Old 09-29-2005, 07:00 AM   #49 (permalink)
Dr. Prunk
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Originally Posted by Expletive Deleted
I don't think I could even name 100 albums that I love enough to call my favorites. I tried, got to around 40, and stopped.
I have lot of albums on CD and MP3, and i always wanted to do a list of my favorites, maybe i should do a Boo Boo 100 sometime.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 09-29-2005, 12:35 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I`ve been busy...
Urban for President... eh... EUROMOD!

Vote or die!
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