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Old 05-24-2010, 06:30 AM   #62 (permalink)
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A YouTube user has translated Una palabra into English (here).

There is a tradition of notable folk singer-songwriters in Spanish like Carlos Varela. Unfortunately I don't know much about that genre. I've heard much less songs than I should have. But, just to mention two big names: Víctor Jara (Chile) and Atahualpa Yupanqui (Argentina).

Te recuerdo Amanda ("I Remember You Amanda") is about the love between two workers with a tragic end. Using simple words Jara made a very emotional song about common people.

And now, I'd like to add two current bands more to the list of my previous post. I discovered them yesterday: Second and Zenttric. These songs are Rincón exquisito ("Refined Corner") and Sólo quiero bailar ("I Just Wanna Dance"), respectively:

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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