Originally Posted by crash_override
Love that Donovan song, great entry too. I would want that girl too, shes totally worth writing a song about. 
Thanks, yeah, shes pretty smokin. Can't go wrong with a blonde.
Originally Posted by JayJamJah
RE: Sunshine Superman
Donovan has some fantastic songs and albums and was one of the most creative and individual front men of the era. This is his most broadly appealing song to be sure.
You are 100% correct.
SONG: The Pusher
ARTIST: Steppenwolf
ALBUM: Steppenwolf
This song reeks of awesomeness. I first heard it while I was watching Easy Rider when they did the deal and got on their motorcycles and headed out, awesome scene, and I can't help but think of that when I listen to it now.
(It takes about 3 min 30 sec to get to the song on this clip.)
The lyrics are fair, in my opinion, but all you really need to hear is John Kay yell, "I said god damn, God Damn! The pusher man!" and hear the drawn out wailing of the lead guitar.

Your life will then be complete.