Thanks jackhammer

I would have loved to see them in concert. How very lucky of you Urban Hatemonger. Of course they blew Guns N Roses into oblivion, my grandma could too.
YouTube - The Cult-She Sells Sanctuary (Music Video)
Tried, but it wouldn't let me embed it. So here's the link. ^
2nd coolest music video I have seen in my 17 years of living. This man has magical feet. I don't think gravity affects him in any way. I have tried so many times to master these moves but I fail every time. If only I could dance like that.......if only...
Also anybody who can pull of that pirate/renaissance outfit is too cool for school in my book.
SONG: A Good Hearted Woman
ARTIST: Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings
ALBUM: Wanted! The Outlaws
This one wouldn't let me post either. Tsk..tsk... so heres the link for it.
YouTube - Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson - Good Hearted Woman
Where do I begin? I cannot express how much I appreciate the music that these two men have put out over the years. After listening to this guinuine outlaw country music, I cringe everytime I hear this new Nashville country bumpkin crap on the radio. I do not even consider them to be in the same genre of music. These guys wrote their own music on tour buses going from town to town and they wrote from their experiences and from their hearts. They said to hell with Nashville and played their music the way they wanted to play it without all of that synthesized and edited crap thrown in there. They didn't need it because they were
talented. That is why they sound so good live too.
Okay theres my little soapbox speech, now for the song. Starts out with a classic beat with Waylon's deep, strong, steady voice. And then Willie comes in with his COMPLETELY contrasting trademark voice, (its really hard to describe) people either really like his voice or really hate it. I am one of those people who love it. And you can hear Mickey Raphael throwing in some hamonica jams here and there (Mickey Rapael, in my opinion, is the best harmonica player out there). This harmonica is another trademark of the outlaw sound. When Willie and Waylon sing together it is magic, there is no otherway to descibe it. And what they are singing about just hits home with me. I have grown up listening to this song and I always think of my folks when I hear it, which probably adds to my liking of it, but I'm sure there are so many people who can relate. This is probably not everyone's cup of tea but I think everyone can appreciate the outlaw movement.
There, unfortunatly, is no guitar solo by Willie in this song (I don't know why, he just let Waylon play) but in my compliation above there is a Willie song if you want to hear his playing.