Originally Posted by djchameleon
lol Why'd you even bother trying to convince Maanky? Fluffy, it's really a waste of time.
Not sure. Eminem certainly has his faults (doing tracks with f
ucking Bruno Mars and Rihanna after his rant against pop music on 'Marshall Mathers' for example) but I thought some of the points were just plain wrong.
I think he can be quite funny sometimes tbh. I lol'd at:
A lot of people say I'm misogynistic which is true/
I don't deny it, matter of fact, I stand by it/
& I find it funny that he actually managed to wind so many people up when his lyrics are just so obviously taking the piss (he even says he's joking at the end of Kill You and feminist groups still went mad at that song ffs

I'm going through my iTunes atm and he's actually had his moments at being 'deep' imo. Rock Bottom was particularly good, as was Kim. Stan was an undeniably good concept as well, you now hear people being referred to as Stans if they bum an artist too hard.
He's made a lot of s
hit but he's made some gems as well.