Excerpts - Hard to access as the context of what's written isn't available.
Hardyston Point - It was decent, not the kind of story I generally seek to read but I can understand it's appeal.
Home - This was quite good. My grandfather had Alzheimer's and it brought up a lot of repressed emotions about that. Silver medal for sure.
what my neighbour thinks of me, I'm sure - Pretty masturbatory but similar to what Unchained Ballad said, I can respect it's honesty. I enjoy reading works of catharsis sometimes but I felt that this was mostly for shock value.
The Landscape of Thought - All I could think was "pretentious." Bits of it were good, but I couldn't connect with it at all and, honestly, ended up scanning over bits.
The Lonely Dreamer - It wasn't bad by any means, but it also lacked in originality.
Neighbours - I like writing that feels observational, as this one did. It didn't seem to have much of a hook pulling me along, I kept reading because it was interesting, but I didn't get that "I need to keep reading to find out what happens" feeling. That said, I'd give it the bronze.
Handsomely Trimmed - This won my vote. The dialogue was clever and I thought the concept was hilarious. Well written and a fun read, of all the entries this is the one I read more than once.
Take my reviews as you will, my opinions should by no means be valued.